Sample configuration fileΒΆ

The simulator uses a configuration file using Python code. This paragraph describes this file and the different parameters you can modify. You will also find two configuration examples to generate the L2_LR_SSH_Expert and L2_LR_SSH_Unsmoothed SWOT products in official format.


The configuration file can be generated automatically using the main program, or using the library:

import swot_simulator.settings

settings = swot_simulator.settings.Parameters.load_default()
Simulation settings
import os
import swot_simulator
import swot_simulator.plugins.ssh
#import swot_simulator.plugins.swh

#: Geographical area to simulate defined by the minimum and maximum corner
#: point :lon_min, lat_min, lon_max, lat_max
#: Default: None equivalent to the area covering the Earth: -180, -90, 180, 90
area = None

#: Distance, in km, between two points along track direction.
delta_al = 2.0

#: Distance, in km, between two points across track direction.
delta_ac = 2.0

#: Ephemeris file to read containing the satellite's orbit.
ephemeris = swot_simulator.DATA / "ephemeris_science_sept2015_ell.txt"

#: Index of columns to read in the ephemeris file containing, respectively,
#: longitude in degrees, latitude in degrees and the number of seconds elapsed
#: since the start of the orbit.
#: Default: ``[1, 2, 0]```
ephemeris_cols = [1, 2, 0]

#: If true, the swath, in the final dataset, will contain a center pixel
#: divided in half by the reference ground track.
central_pixel = True

#: If true, the generated netCDF file will be the complete product compliant
#: with SWOT's Product Description Document (PDD), otherwise only the calculated
#: variables will be written to the netCDF file.
complete_product = False

#: Distance, in km, between the nadir and the center of the first pixel of the
#: swath
half_gap = 2.0

#: Distance, in km, between the nadir and the center of the last pixel of the
#: swath
half_swath = 70.0

#: Limits of SWOT swath requirements. Measurements outside the span will be set
#: with fill values.
requirement_bounds = [10, 60]

# The next two parameters (cycle_duration and height) can be read from the
# ephemeris file if it includes these values in comments. The ephemeris
# delivered with this software contain this type of declaration

#: Duration of a cycle.
cycle_duration = 20.86455

#: Satellite altitude (m)
height = 891000

#: True to generate Nadir products
nadir = False

#: True to generate swath products
swath = True

#: Type of SWOT product to be generated. Possible products are "basic",
#: "expert", "unsmoothed" and "wind_wave". Defaul to expert
product_type = "expert"

#: The plug-in handling the SSH interpolation under the satellite swath.
#: .. code-block:: python
#:     ssh_plugin = swot_simulator.plugins.ssh.AVISO("PATH to AVISO files")
ssh_plugin = None

#: Orbit shift in longitude (degrees)
shift_lon = 0

#: Orbit shift in time (seconds)
shift_time = 0

#: The working directory. By default, files are generated in the user's root
#: directory.
working_directory = os.path.expanduser("~/")

# Generation of measurement noise.

#: This option defined the error to simulate. Allowed values are "altimeter,"
#: ``baseline_dilation``, ``corrected_roll_phase``, ``karin``, ``orbital``,
#: ``roll_phase``, ``timing``, and ``wet_troposphere``.
#: The calculation of roll errors can be simulated, option ``roll_phase``, or
#: interpolated option ``corrected_roll_phase``, from the dataset specified by
#: the value of the option ``roll_phase_dataset``. Therefore, these two options
#: are mutually exclusive. In other words, if the ``roll_phase`` option is
#: present, the ``corrected_roll_phase`` option must be omitted, and vice versa.
noise = [
    # 'corrected_roll_phase',

#: repeat length
len_repeat = 20000

#: File containing spectrum of instrument error
error_spectrum = swot_simulator.DATA / ""

#: KaRIN file containing spectrum for several SWH
karin_noise = swot_simulator.DATA / ""

#: Estimated roll phase dataset
corrected_roll_phase_dataset = "<PATH>"

#: SWH for the region
swh = 2.0

#: SWH plugin to interpolate model SWH on the SWOT grid:
#: .. code-block:: python
#:     swh_plugin = swot_simulator.plugins.ssh.WW3("PATH to WW3 files")
swh_plugin = None

#: Number of beam used to correct wet troposphere signal (1, 2 or 'both')
nbeam = 2

#: Gaussian footprint of sigma km
sigma = 6.0

#: Beam position if there are 2 beams (in km from nadir):
beam_position = [-20, 20]

#: Seed for RandomState. Must be convertible to 32 bit unsigned integers.
nseed = 0