Source code for swot_simulator.launcher

# Copyright (c) 2021 CNES/JPL
# All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
Handle the simulation of the SWOT L2 product

This module defines the main :func:`function <launch>` handling the simulation
of SWOT products as well as the entry point of the main program.
from typing import Dict, Optional, TextIO, Tuple
import datetime
import logging
import os

import dask.distributed
import numpy as np

from . import dispatch, logbook, netcdf, orbit_propagator, settings
from .error import generator

#: Logger of this module
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#: Tasks launched
TASKS = {}

[docs]def file_path(first_date: np.datetime64, last_date: np.datetime64, cycle_number: int, pass_number: int, parameters: settings.Parameters, nadir: bool = False) -> Optional[str]: """Get the absolute path of the file to be created. Args: first_date (numpy.datetime64): Date of the first simulated measurement. last_date (numpy.datetime64): Date of the last simulated measurement. cycle_number (int): Cycle number of the file to be created. pass_number (int): Pass number of the file to be created. parameters (settings.Parameters): Simulation parameters. nadir (bool, optional): True if the product to be created contains the nadir measurements, false if it is a product containing the swath measurements. Returns: str, optional: The path to the file to be created or None if the file already exists """ first_datetime: datetime.datetime = first_date.astype( datetime.datetime) # type: ignore last_datetime: datetime.datetime = last_date.astype( datetime.datetime) # type: ignore product_type = "nadir" if nadir else "karin" dirname = os.path.join(parameters.working_directory, product_type, first_datetime.strftime("%Y")) os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True) if nadir: filename = (f"SWOT_GPR_2PTP{cycle_number:03d}_{pass_number:03d}_" f"{first_datetime:%Y%m%d}_{first_datetime:%H%M%S}_" f"{last_datetime:%Y%m%d}_{last_datetime:%H%M%S}.nc") else: product_type = "".join( [item.capitalize() for item in parameters.product_type.split("_")]) filename = (f"SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_{product_type}_" f"{cycle_number:03d}_{pass_number:03d}_" f"{first_datetime:%Y%m%dT%H%M%S}_" f"{last_datetime:%Y%m%dT%H%M%S}_" "") result = os.path.join(dirname, filename) # If the product has already been produced, the generation of this # half orbit is disabled. if os.path.exists(result): LOGGER.debug("%s already generated: %d/%d", "nadir" if nadir else "swath", cycle_number, pass_number) return None return result
[docs]def sum_error(errors: Dict[str, np.ndarray], swath: bool = True) -> np.ndarray: """Calculate the sum of errors. Args: errors (dict): Simulated errors. swath (bool, optional): True if the measurements processed concern the swath. Returns: numpy.ndarray: The sum of errors """ dims = 2 if swath else 1 return np.add.reduce( [item for item in errors.values() if len(item.shape) == dims])
[docs]def simulate(args: Tuple[int, int, np.datetime64], error_generator: generator.Generator, orbit: orbit_propagator.Orbit, parameters: settings.Parameters, logging_server: Optional[Tuple[str, int, int]] = None) -> None: """Simulate a pass. Args: simulation arguments (tuple): cycle & pass number, date of the first half-orbit measurement error_generator (generator.Generator): Measurement error generator. orbit (orbit_propagator.Orbit): Orbit propagator. parameters (settings.Parameters): Simulation parameters. logging_server (tuple, optional): Log server connection settings. """ cycle_number, pass_number, date = args # Initialize this worker's logger. if logging_server is not None: logbook.setup_worker_logging(logging_server) # Calculation of the end date of the track. last_date = date + orbit.pass_shift(pass_number) # Paths of products to be generated. swath_path = None nadir_path = None # Generation of the names of the files to be created. if parameters.swath: swath_path = file_path(date, last_date, cycle_number, pass_number, parameters) if parameters.nadir: nadir_path = file_path(date, last_date, cycle_number, pass_number, parameters, nadir=True) # To continue, there must be at least one task left for this pass. if swath_path is None and nadir_path is None: return # Compute the spatial/temporal position of the satellite track = orbit_propagator.calculate_pass(pass_number, orbit, parameters) if track is None: return # Set the simulated date track.set_simulated_date(date) # Mask to set the measurements outside the requirements of the mission to # NaN. mask = track.mask() # The nadir and swath data are concatenated to process the interpolation # in one time (swath and nadir). lon = np.c_[track.lon, track.lon_nadir[:, np.newaxis]] lat = np.c_[, track.lat_nadir[:, np.newaxis]] swath_time = np.repeat(track.time, lon.shape[1]).reshape(lon.shape) # Interpolation of the SWH if the user wishes. if parameters.swh_plugin is not None: swh = parameters.swh_plugin.interpolate(lon.ravel(), lat.ravel(), swath_time.ravel()) swh = swh.reshape(lon.shape) else: swh = None # Calculation of instrumental errors noise_errors = error_generator.generate( cycle_number, pass_number, orbit.curvilinear_distance, track.time, track.x_al, track.x_ac, swh[:, :-1] if swh is not None else parameters.swh) for error in noise_errors.values(): # Only the swaths must be masked if len(error.shape) == 2: error *= mask # Interpolation of the SSH if the user wishes. if parameters.ssh_plugin is not None: ssh = parameters.ssh_plugin.interpolate(lon.ravel(), lat.ravel(), swath_time.ravel()) ssh = ssh.reshape(lon.shape) else: ssh = None if swath_path:"generate swath %d/%d [%s, %s]", cycle_number, pass_number, track.time[0], track.time[-1]) # Create the swath dataset product = netcdf.Swath(track, parameters.central_pixel, parameters.product_type) if ssh is not None: product.ssh((ssh[:, :-1] * mask) + sum_error(noise_errors)) if noise_errors: product.simulated_true_ssh(ssh[:, :-1]) if swh is not None: product.swh((swh[:, :-1] * mask)) product.update_noise_errors(noise_errors) product.to_netcdf(cycle_number, pass_number, swath_path, parameters.complete_product) # Create the nadir dataset if nadir_path:"generate nadir %d/%d [%s, %s]", cycle_number, pass_number, track.time[0], track.time[-1]) product = netcdf.Nadir(track) if ssh is not None: product.ssh(ssh[:, -1] + sum_error(noise_errors, swath=False)) if noise_errors: product.simulated_true_ssh(ssh[:, -1]) if swh is not None: product.swh(swh[:, -1]) product.update_noise_errors(noise_errors) product.to_netcdf(cycle_number, pass_number, nadir_path, parameters.complete_product)
[docs]def launch(client: dask.distributed.Client, parameters: settings.Parameters, logging_server: Optional[Tuple[str, int, int]], first_date: Optional[np.datetime64] = None, last_date: Optional[np.datetime64] = None): """Executes the simulation set to the selected period. Args: client (dask.distributed.Client): Client connected to the Dask cluster. parameters (settings.Parameters): Simulation parameters. logging_server (tuple, optional): Log server connection settings. first_date (numpy.datetime64, optional): First date of the simulation. last_date (numpy.datetime64, optional): Last date of the simulation. """ first_date = first_date or np.datetime64("now") # Displaying Dask client information. assert parameters.ephemeris is not None # Calculation of the properties of the orbit to be processed. with open(parameters.ephemeris, "r") as stream: # type: TextIO orbit = orbit_propagator.calculate_orbit(parameters, stream) # type: ignore # Initialization of measurement error generators error_generator = generator.Generator(parameters, first_date, orbit.orbit_duration()) # Scatter data into distributed memory _error_generator = client.scatter(error_generator) _parameters = client.scatter(parameters) _orbit = client.scatter(orbit) dispatch.compute(client, simulate, orbit.iterate(first_date, last_date), error_generator=_error_generator, orbit=_orbit, parameters=_parameters, logging_server=logging_server)