Source code for swot_simulator.plugins.ssh.mitgcm

# Copyright (c) 2021 CNES/JPL
# All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
Interpolate SSH from MIT/GCM model
import logging
import time

import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
import pyinterp
import pyinterp.geodetic
import xarray as xr

from .. import data_handler

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class MITGCM(data_handler.IrregularGridHandler):
[docs] def __init__(self, grid_path: str, eta_path: str): loader = MITGCM.ZarrLoader(grid_path, eta_path) super().__init__(loader)
class ZarrLoader(data_handler.DatasetLoader): def __init__(self, grid_path: str, eta_path: str): dataset = xr.merge( [xr.open_zarr(grid_path), xr.open_zarr(eta_path)]).rename({ "XC": "lon", "YC": "lat", "Eta": "ssh" }) self.dataset = dataset[["ssh"]] self.dataset.dtime.load() self.time_delta = self._calculate_time_delta(self.dataset.dtime) def load_dataset(self, first_date: np.datetime64, last_date: np.datetime64): first_date = self._shift_date(first_date.astype("datetime64[ns]"), -1, self.time_delta) last_date = self._shift_date(last_date.astype("datetime64[ns]"), 1, self.time_delta) if first_date < self.dataset.dtime[ 0] or last_date > self.dataset.dtime[-1]: raise IndexError( f"period [{first_date}, {last_date}] is out of range: " f"[{self.dataset.dtime[0]}, {self.dataset.dtime[-1]}]") # Mask for selecting data covering the time period provided. mask = ( >= first_date) & ( <= last_date) return self.dataset.isel(time=np.argwhere(mask).squeeze())
[docs] @staticmethod def _spatial_interp( z_model: da.Array, x_model: da.Array, y_model: da.Array, x_sat: np.ndarray, y_sat: np.ndarray, ): mesh = pyinterp.RTree(dtype=np.dtype("float32")) x, y, z = (), (), () start_time = time.time() for face in range(13): x_face = x_model[face, :].compute() y_face = y_model[face, :].compute() # We test if the face covers the satellite positions. ix0, ix1 = x_face.min(), x_face.max() iy0, iy1 = y_face.min(), y_face.max() box = pyinterp.geodetic.Box2D(pyinterp.geodetic.Point2D(ix0, iy0), pyinterp.geodetic.Point2D(ix1, iy1)) mask = box.covered_by(x_sat, y_sat) if not np.any(mask == 1): continue del box, mask # The undefined values are filtered z_face = z_model[face, :].compute() defined = ~np.isnan(z_face) x += (x_face[defined].ravel(), ) y += (y_face[defined].ravel(), ) z += (z_face[defined].ravel(), ) # The tree is built and the interpolation is calculated x = np.concatenate(x) y = np.concatenate(y) coordinates = np.vstack((x, y)).T del x, y z = np.concatenate(z) LOGGER.debug( "loaded %d MB in %.2fs", (coordinates.nbytes + z.nbytes) // 1024**2, time.time() - start_time, ) start_time = time.time() mesh.packing(coordinates, z) LOGGER.debug("mesh build in %.2fs", time.time() - start_time) del coordinates, z start_time = time.time() z, _ = mesh.radial_basis_function( np.vstack((x_sat, y_sat)).T.astype("float32"), within=True, k=11, radius=55000, rbf="thin_plate", num_threads=1, ) LOGGER.debug("interpolation done in %.2fs", time.time() - start_time) del mesh return z.astype("float32")