Source code for swot_simulator.settings

# Copyright (c) 2021 CNES/JPL
# All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
Settings handling
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, Tuple, Union
import contextlib
import copy
import importlib
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import re
import traceback
import types

import numpy as np

import swot_simulator

from . import (

#: Default working directory
DEFAULT_WORKING_DIRECTORY = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),

#: Module logger
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def execfile_(filepath: str, _globals: Any) -> None: """Executes a Python code defined in a file.""" with open(filepath, 'rb') as stream: source = code = compile(source, filepath, 'exec') exec(code, _globals)
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def cd(target_dir: str) -> Iterator[None]: """Moves to a directory and returns to the working directory.""" cwd = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(target_dir) yield finally: os.chdir(cwd)
[docs]def eval_config_file(filename: str) -> Dict: """Evaluate a config file.""" path = os.path.abspath(filename) dirname = os.path.dirname(path) namespace = dict(__file__=path) with cd(dirname): # during executing config file, current dir is changed to ``confdir``. try: execfile_(filename, namespace) except SyntaxError as err: raise RuntimeError( "There is a syntax error in your configuration file: " f"{err}\n") from err except SystemExit as err: raise RuntimeError( "The configuration file (or one of the modules it imports) " "called sys.exit()") from err except Exception as err: raise RuntimeError( "There is a programmable error in your configuration " f"file:\n\n{traceback.format_exc()}") from err return namespace
[docs]def error_classes() -> Iterator[str]: """Get the list of classes implementing random error generation.""" module = importlib.import_module(".error", package="swot_simulator") for item in dir(module): if isinstance(getattr(module, item), type): yield item
[docs]def error_keywords() -> Iterator[str]: """Get the list of the error keywords.""" for item in error_classes(): item = item[:1].lower() + item[1:] yield re.sub(r'([A-Z])', r'_\1', item).lower()
def _template() -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, str]]: """Get the code representing the default configuration template of the simulator.""" def required_settings(): """Get the path to the simulator data.""" result = dict() for item in Parameters.REQUIRED: result[item] = list() for item in os.listdir(DATA): for data_type, values in result.items(): if item.startswith(data_type): values.append(str(DATA.joinpath(item).resolve())) return result required = required_settings() settings = dict() for key, (default, _type, _help) in Parameters.CONFIG_VALUES.items(): if key in required: settings[key] = required[key][0] elif key == "noise": settings[key] = sorted( list(set(error_keywords()) - set(("corrected_roll_phase", )))) else: settings[key] = default return required, settings def _template_to_string(required: Dict[str, str], parameters: Dict[str, Any]) -> str: """Get the string representing the default configuration template of the simulator.""" def wrap(s: str) -> Iterator[str]: """Cuts the line into several lines of 80 characters maximum.""" def line(items): """Returns the line built.""" return "# " + " ".join(items) words = [] for item in s.split(): if sum((len(item) for item in words)) + (len(words) - 1) * 2 > 78: yield line(words) words.clear() words.append(item) if words: yield line(words) result = [ "import swot_simulator", "import swot_simulator.plugins.ssh", "import swot_simulator.plugins.swh", "", ] for key, value in parameters.items(): result += list(wrap(Parameters.CONFIG_VALUES[key][-1])) # The required data is supplied with the simulator. They are all # written in the template. if key in required: # If there are several values for a parameter, only the first one is # enabled, the others are disabled. enable = True for item in required[key]: result += [("" if enable else "# ") + key + " = swot_simulator.DATA / " + repr(pathlib.Path(item).name)] enable = False result.append("") else: result += [key + " = " + repr(value), ""] # Remove the last carriage return result.pop() return "\n".join(result)
[docs]def pretty_print(value: Any) -> str: """Replace the path to the provided data with the variable name.""" data = str(swot_simulator.DATA) value = str(value) if data in value: value = value.replace(data, 'swot_simulator.DATA / "') value += '"' return value
[docs]def template(python: bool = False) -> Union[str, Dict[str, Any]]: """Get the template representing the default configuration of the simulator. Args: python (bool): True, returns the dictionary that represents the default configuration, otherwise returns the Python code of the default configuration. Returns: str, dict: the default configuration of the simulation """ required, dictionary = _template() if python: return dictionary return _template_to_string(required, dictionary)
[docs]class NumberOfBeams(int): """Handle the number of beams."""
[docs] def __new__(cls, value, *args, **kwargs): if value not in [1, 2]: raise ValueError("nbeam must be in [1, 2]") return super().__new__(cls, value, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore
[docs]class TimeDelta(int): """Handle a time delta in seconds in the configuration file."""
[docs] def __call__(self, value): return np.timedelta64(value, "s")
[docs]class Seed: """Handle the seed for the random state."""
[docs] def __init__(self, seed: int): self.seed = seed - 1
[docs] def __call__(self) -> np.random.Generator: self.seed += 1 return np.random.default_rng(seed=self.seed)
[docs]class Parameters: """Simulator parameter management. The simulator parameters are defined in a Python file. The expected parameters are described in the code below. .. literalinclude:: ../ Args: path (str, optional): Path to the configuration file used to override the default settings. """ #: Known parameters. CONFIG_VALUES: Dict[str, Tuple[Any, Any, str]] = dict( area=(None, [float, 4], ("Geographical area to simulate defined by the minimum and " "maximum corner point :lon_min, lat_min, lon_max, lat_max. " "Default: -180, -90, 180, 90")), beam_position=([-20, 20], [float, 2], ("Number of beam used to correct wet troposphere " "signal (1, 2 or 'both')")), central_pixel=(False, bool, ("If true, the swath, in the final dataset, will " "contain a center pixel divided in half by the " "reference ground track")), complete_product=(False, bool, ("If true, the generated netCDF file will be the " "complete product compliant with SWOT's Product " "Description Document (PDD), otherwise only the " "calculated variables will be written to the " "netCDF file")), cycle_duration=(None, float, ("Duration of a cycle in number of fractional days. " "By default, this value is read from the ephemeris " "file)")), delta_ac=(2.0, float, ("Distance, in km, between two points across track " "direction")), delta_al=(2.0, float, ("Distance, in km, between two points along track " "direction")), ephemeris_cols=(None, [int, 3], ("Index of columns to read in the ephemeris file " "containing, respectively, longitude in degrees, " "latitude in degrees and the number of seconds " "elapsed since the start of the orbit. Default: " "[1, 2, 0]")), ephemeris=(None, str, ("Ephemeris file to read containing the satellite's " "orbit.")), error_spectrum=(None, str, "File containing spectrum of instrument error"), corrected_roll_phase_dataset=(None, str, ("Estimated roll phase dataset. " "Default: None")), half_gap=(10.0, float, ("Distance, in km, between the nadir and the center of the " "first pixel of the swath")), half_swath=(60.0, float, ("Distance, in km, between the nadir and the center of " "the last pixel of the swath")), height=(None, float, ("Satellite altitude (m). By default, this value " "is read from the ephemeris file.")), karin_noise=(None, str, "KaRIN file containing spectrum for several SWH"), len_repeat=(20000.0, float, "Repeat length"), nadir=(False, bool, "True to generate Nadir products"), nbeam=(2, NumberOfBeams, ("Number of beam used to correct wet troposphere signal " "(1, 2 or 'both')")), noise=(None, [str, -1], ("This option defined the error to simulate. Allowed values " "are \"altimeter,\" \"baseline_dilation,\" " "\"corrected_roll_phase,\" \"karin,\" \"orbital,\" " "\"roll_phase,\" \"timing,\" and \"wet_troposphere.\" The " "calculation of roll errors can be simulated, option " "\"roll_phase,\" or interpolated option " "\"corrected_roll_phase,\" from the dataset specified by the " "value of the option \"roll_phase_dataset.\" Therefore, these " "two options are mutually exclusive. In other words, if the " "\"roll_phase\" option is present, the " "\"corrected_roll_phase\" option must be omitted, and vice " "versa.")), nseed=(0, int, ("Seed for RandomState. Must be convertible to 32 bit " "unsigned integers")), product_type=(EXPERT, str, ("Type of SWOT product to be generated. Possible " f"products are {BASIC!r}, {EXPERT!r}, {UNSMOOTHED!r} " f"and {WIND_WAVE!r}. Default to {EXPERT!r}")), requirement_bounds=(None, [float, 2], ("Limits of SWOT swath requirements. Measurements " "outside the span will be set with fill values")), shift_lon=(None, float, "Orbit shift in longitude (degrees). Default 0."), shift_time=(None, TimeDelta, "Orbit shift in time (seconds). Default 0."), sigma=(6.0, float, "Gaussian footprint of sigma (km)"), ssh_plugin=(None, plugins.Interface, ("The plug-in handling the SSH interpolation under the " "satellite swath")), swh_plugin=( None, plugins.Interface, "SWH plugin to interpolate model SWH on the SWOT grid. Use only " f"{EXPERT!r} or {WIND_WAVE!r} products that have the swh in its " "output"), swath=(True, bool, "True to generate swath products"), swh=(2.0, float, "SWH for the region"), temporal_overlap=(None, float, "Simulate products overlapping by this amount of " "time, in seconds, with the previous and next " "products"), working_directory=(DEFAULT_WORKING_DIRECTORY, str, ("The working directory. By default, files are " "generated in the user's root directory"))) #: Arguments that must be defined by the user. REQUIRED = ["ephemeris", "error_spectrum", "karin_noise"]
[docs] def __init__(self, overrides: Dict[str, Any]): for required in self.REQUIRED: if required not in overrides: raise TypeError(f"missing required argument: {required!r}") self._init_user_parameters(overrides) for item in self.CONFIG_VALUES:"{item} = {pretty_print(getattr(self, item))}") product_type = getattr(self, "product_type") if product_type not in PRODUCT_TYPE: raise ValueError(f"Unknown product type: {product_type}") if product_type == WIND_WAVE: if getattr(self, "ssh_plugin") is not None: raise ValueError("The wind/wave product cannot store SSH.") if getattr(self, "noise") is not None: raise ValueError("The wind/wave product cannot store errors.") if product_type == UNSMOOTHED: if getattr(self, "central_pixel"): raise RuntimeError("The unsmoothed product doesn't support a " "center pixel.") temporal_overlap = getattr(self, "temporal_overlap") if temporal_overlap is not None: if temporal_overlap < 0: raise ValueError("temporal_overlap must be positive") if getattr(self, "nadir"): raise ValueError("temporal_overlap cannot be used with nadir") noise = getattr(self, "noise") if noise is not None: if "corrected_roll_phase" in noise: if "roll_phase" in noise: raise TypeError( "option 'corrected_roll_phase' not allowed with option " "'roll_phase'") if "corrected_roll_phase_dataset" not in overrides: raise TypeError("missing required argument: " "'corrected_roll_phase_dataset'") noise = [ "".join(word.capitalize() for word in item.split("_")) for item in noise ] unknowns = set(noise) - set(error_classes()) if unknowns: raise ValueError( f"Unknown error generators: {', '.join(unknowns)}") else: noise = [] setattr(self, "noise", noise) self._rng = Seed(getattr(self, "nseed"))
[docs] @staticmethod def load_default() -> 'Parameters': """Load the default configuration. Returns: Parameters: the default settings """ return Parameters(template(python=True)) # type: ignore
[docs] def _convert_overrides(self, name: str, value: Any) -> Any: expected_type = self.CONFIG_VALUES[name][1] try: if isinstance(expected_type, list): if not isinstance(value, list): raise ValueError length = expected_type[1] if length == -1: length = len(value) if len(value) != length: raise ValueError expected_type = expected_type[0] for idx, item in enumerate(value): value[idx] = expected_type(item) else: mro = expected_type.__mro__[-2] if mro == plugins.Interface: value = plugins.Plugin.register(value) else: value = expected_type(value) except ValueError as exc: raise ValueError("invalid value %r for config value %r" % (value, name)) from exc return value
[docs] def _init_user_parameters(self, overrides: Dict[str, Any]): # To avoid side effects, default values are copied. settings = dict((key, copy.copy(value[0])) for key, value in self.CONFIG_VALUES.items()) for name, value in overrides.items(): if name in ["__doc__", "__file__", "__builtins__"] or isinstance( value, (types.ModuleType, types.FunctionType)): continue try: if name not in settings: 'unknown config value %r in override, ignoring', name) continue # None values are not processed. if value is not None: settings[name] = self._convert_overrides(name, value) except ValueError as exc: LOGGER.warning("%s", exc) self.__dict__.update((key, value) for key, value in settings.items())
@property def box(self) -> math.Box: """Get the geographical area of interest.""" area = self.__dict__["area"] if area is None: return math.Box() return math.Box(math.Point(*area[:2]), math.Point(*area[-2:]))
[docs] def rng(self) -> np.random.Generator: """Get a random state generator.""" return self._rng()